Raman spectroscopy is especially useful for product identification, reaction monitoring, remote sensing and any other applicable measurement. It provides an invaluable analytical tool for molecular finger printing as well as monitoring changes in molecular bond structure (e.g. state changes and stresses & strains).
Why Avantes for your Raman application?
• High temp Raman probes
• 3 stage peltier cooling in combination with replaceable slit
• New AvaSpec HERO is very important for S/N
• Laser probe combination relationship critical as you sell a raman system
Avantes uses the high-sensitivity AvaSpec spectrometers in combination with a wide variety of lasers (including 532, 633 and 785 nm) to give you the best result for your Raman measurements. The spectrometers are appropriately configured according to the wavelength of the laser.
AvaRaman Bundles
Raman Spectroscopy allows obtaining individual spectral ‘fingerprints’of materials. Commonly used in chemistry, pharmaceutical and medical fields, to provide information by which molecules can be identified. To offer our customers optimal performance for a reasonable price, Avantes joint forces with 2 partners to offer you 3 different convenient Raman Bundles consisting of a great spectrometer (3 different models), a unique Laser-Probe combination (785nm) supplying enhanced signals and an outstanding Software package to analyze the Raman spectra.
Type of measurements:
Raman techniques are used for many different materials. The Avantes bundles are really good for the use of powders and liquids. When strong signals are available (aromatic compounds, alcohol based liquids) in general Ava-Raman-A is useful to perform the measurement.
When weak Raman signals occure (Integration time longer than 5 seconds) the thermo-electric-cooled (TEC) spectrometer is recommended. This is added in the Ava-Raman-B.
If very weak signals possibly together with fluorescence background the Ava-Raman-D using our new AvaSpec-HERO is recommended (Higher quantum efficiency in NIR and better signal to noise performance).
Application fields
•Mineralogy & Gemology
•Raw materials identification
•Pharmaceuticals & Medical diagnostics
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