To measure film thickness and optical constants (n & k) up to 5 layers, TFProbe© multilayer thin film measurement software is the ideal software. It can be used for real-time or in-line thickness and refractive index monitoring and it comes with a comprehensive optical constants database and library.
To facilitate nk table, dispersion or effective media approximation (EMA) for each individual film or substrate, an advanced optical constants editor is included. TFProbe© supports AvaSpec spectrometer systems single or multiple channel systems in the UV/VIS and NIR 200-1700 nm.
The software runs simulations on reflection, transmission and optical constants. It can perform simulations or measurement at non-normal incident angles. Various data output options and 2D & 3D graphic presentations are available in the graphical user interface.
TFProbe supports USB or RS-232 communication with a host controller. Auto log functions for spectrum, measured resolution and fitting graphs are included. For easy presentation, it also enables saving fitting graphs. Backside reflection correction for measuring films on transparent substrates is also supported, as well as transmission thin film measurements.
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